Eye Care 101 - Vision Express Philippines

Eye Care 101


How Digital Devices
Affect Your Eyes


Screen time puts your vision at risk


Nearly 4 in 10 millenials spend at least 9 hours on digital devices each day

Filipinos spend 6 hours online in a computer and 3 hours on a mobile device

Most devices emit high-energy visible (HEV) or “blue light”, which has potential long-term effects to retinal cells.

47% of filipinos use more than one screen at a time.

The retina cannot regenerate or be replaced, Retinal cell damage puts your eyes at risk for long-term visual issues such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism


What is Computer Vision Syndrome?


CVS is the physical eye discomfort felt by many individuals after two or more hours in front of a digital screen

Using a digital screen for 2 hours can already result to eyestrain

Using a digital screen for 2 hours can already result to eyestrain

Up to 90% of computer users can experience CVS symptoms

CVS can reduce productivity in school and work by as much as 20%

A recent study on heavy computer users in the US found that their tear fluids have become similar to those with dry eye disease

A person’s blink rate reduces significantly when using a digital screen

Blue light exposure has been linked with retina damage


Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain


  • Redness, irritation
    of dry eyes

  • Blurred

  • Back and
    neck pain

  • General

  • Headaches



Follow the 20-20 rule: look away from your screen every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds, at something 20 feet away to recharge eyes and normalize blink rate

Every 30 minutes, step away from the screen and stretch your neck, arms, and shoulders.

Rub your palms briskly together and place them over your eyes to soothe strain

Remember to blink once in a while when working




Computer and laptops
should be used at arm’s length


Attach a glare reduction
filter to your screen


Adjust the brightness
of your device: a dim
screen makes it
harder for eyes to focus

Wipe your screens
regularly to reduce glare


If possible, adjust the
text size and contrast
on your device to
optimum levels


Screens should be directly
in front of your face and below your eye level

Lessen (but don’t eliminate)
light that competes with
your device screen




Take an eye exam annually, even if you’re already wearing glasses. Constant use of digital devices increases your risk for vision-related issues.

Vision Express has
lenses tailor-fit
for digital eyestrain.

Vision Express has blue
coat digital lenses that
can protect you from
blue light exposure.

Whether with presciption or
none, for eyeglasses or sunglasses,
there are protective coatings
that can filter indoor and outdoor
UV light to help your eyes.

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